Mobile eroding

Eroding has become an indispensable part of on-site mechanical processing. We erode transportable at your site.

Spark erosion is the fastest, safest and most precise way to remove bolts, torn or damaged screws as well as cuts of any kind on components that cannot be dismantled. There is no heat transfer to the rest of the workpiece. With spark erosion we are more precise and up to 4 times faster than with conventional drilling and milling techniques. Thus we succeed in reducing expensive downtimes. We manufacture the electrodes for any application completely by ourselves and therefore have very short reaction times and no damage to the counterpart.

How does it work?

TSpark erosion is an ablative, thermal manufacturing process for conductive materials regardless of their hardness and strength, which is based on electrical discharge processes (sparks) between an electrode (tool) and a conductive workpiece. The complete machining of the workpiece takes place in a non-conducting liquid (dielectric, deionized water). For the eroding process, the electrode tool is moved to a distance of approx. 0.5 mm from the workpiece. Water is pumped through the specific shape of the electrode to wash out the metal to be pulverized. In this way there is no heat transfer to the surrounding material and the temperature remains around 45 ° C.

In this way, at least 100,000 sparks per second strike and melt the workpiece at the desired location. Based on the intensity, frequency, duration, length and polarity of the discharges, different ablation results and surfaces can be achieved.

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